Fall TV Preview
I'm an admitted television junkie. Always have been, always will be. At the start of each new season, I figure out what new things I'm going to try. Thankfully, the DVR era means that I am able to at least maintain some favorites when television executives decide to schedule everything of note in the same three timeslots. Here now is a look at what I'll be watching (for a little while at least). In a few weeks, the herd will thin out considerably.
- The Amazing Race: The best competitive reality show out there, and the one I am least ashamed to admit watching. I look forward every episode to seeing what kind of khaki pants Phil will be rockin'.
- The Class/How I Met Your Mother: HIMYM is a reliably funny show (viva Neil Patrick Harris!), and I'll give The Class a try. After all, one of the stars is a friend of a friend who actually catsit for me a few years ago. How better to express my continued gratitude than to catch his show?
- Heroes: The sci-fi dorky angle of this show really appeals to me, so I'll give it a gander. Plus Sean from Felicity, aka Agent Weiss from Alias, aka the pilot guy from Lost, Greg Grunberg, is scheduled to appear. Smoothaise!
- Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip: Spencer really wants to watch this, diehard West Wing fan that he is, so I'll check this one out. It won't distract me, however, from my true love...
- CSI: Miami: Horatio Caine is back! And he starts this sure to be cheesetastic season in Brazil of all places, bringing his suave brand of overacting monotone to South America. Perhaps there they will understand his fiery hands-on-hips law enforcement bluster. This is easily the most unintentionally hilarious show on network TV, and I intend to stick with it until the last poorly-edited, club-thumping labwork montage airs.
- Gilmore Girls/Veronica Mars: The Cool Girls Power Hours are united at last on The CW, and I couldn't be more excited!
- House: We watch House, because House is awesomely cranky and sarcastic and mean. This beats out Law & Order: D'Onofrio, simply because as much as I love the D'Onofrio, CI is on 12 hours a day on basic cable.
- Bones: It's not the best show, but the cast is fun, and I have to support my beloved Angel. He's looking pretty hot these days, less vampire bloat to him.
- Jericho: This looks interesting, and since it appears to touch on the "is it, like, the end of civilization?" vibe I explored in my shitty first attempt at a young adult novel, I've got to check it out.
- Lost: Yeah, it can be frustrating, but it's still one of the best shows on the air. I hear Desmond is going to be on a lot, so that's a plus for me.
- My Name is Earl/The Office: Two great tastes that taste great together.
- Ugly Betty: The word on this is good, and it should be right up my alley.
- Grey's Anatomy: I'm absolutely hooked on this show, and there's no hope for me. I'm going to have to either tape The OC, or say goodbye to it once and for all because I can't not watch.
- Supernatural: Pretty, pretty boys fighting ghosts and assorted creepiness! In a muscle car! To a classic rock soundtrack! With their hunky and troubled dad! How can I resist?
- Watching Nothing At All: Now that's an easy thing to commit to.
Thank god Amazing Race is back to its normal format. No more family editions. EVER!
Merujo, at 4:53 PM
Yes...I am really enjoying this year. They've actually thrown in some twists along the way to mess them up. Starting in Asia is such a welcome change and adds extra difficulty right from the beginning because of the culture and language shock. Not to mention the fascinating, beautiful locations we get to experience. Latin America as a starting point always seemed to be a way of "easing" them into things at the beginning, and was becoming less and less challenging.
Last night it was brilliant to watch how something as simple as listening to the clue instead of reading it gave people spasms.
Also, how can you not love Phil? In the darkest days of the Weaver Family saga, he kept me watching.
kristen, at 7:59 AM
This will not actually have effect, I think so.
Shaun, at 2:44 PM
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