Gone fishin'
I guess it really should say "went fishin'." Anyway, after a long vacation from the blog I am back. While I was away, a lot of things happened. My year-long project that drove me slowly insane actually won a national award from my professional organization, which was awesome. The Miami Heat won the NBA Finals, making me smile because I know somewhere Kobe Bryant is having a snit about it. Our cats shed the equivalent of two hamsters in fur. Poor Britney Spears did her own hair and makeup to cry in front of a sockless Matt Lauer. I could go on forever. But I won't. I'll share some fun links below though and re-commit myself to updating this more often.
- Big Brother is back, and I'm actually excited! I didn't watch last season because I didn't want my boyfriend to think less of me (and I guess that worked since we're engaged now). This year, however, brings back people from every season. America can vote for the players. I personally favor the Evil Dr. Will, who was by far the best player ever on that show, but voting for Nakomis (no way should her illiterate brother have stayed in the house longer), Marcellas (my favorite bitchy queen), or Danielle is okay too. Go vote right now for Evil Dr. Will (or someone else other than stupid Alison, Jase or Diane) to join the cast of Big Brother All-Stars.
- Finally, the Coreys are back! I don't know about you, but I'm interested to see how this show turns out. It'll probably be atrocious, but won't it be fun to watch?
- Why didn't Barry Bonds try this excuse?
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