for when you don't know what else to say

Friday, April 28, 2006

Shut Up Already, Crazy Pants!

E!Online had this item in their First Look section this morning:

"Katie is a young girl's name. Her name is Kate now; she's a child-bearing woman."
--Tom Cruise, explaining his reasons for renaming his fiancée to reporters at the London premiere of Mission: Impossible III.

Wow. Now that he has had a bitchy on-air slap fight with Matt Lauer, is he trying to start a feud with Katie Couric, too? She's not on the air much longer at Today, but hopefully she can interview him. I can't wait to watch him lecture her on the history of nicknames and how she's really going to have to change it to be a grownup on the nightly news. When the inner Couric Cougar is unleashed to claw his eyes out, I will laugh and laugh and laugh. Oh, Tom.


  • Hey - you renamed me stud muffin.

    Seriously - who is this guy? Who the hell changes his wife's name? I want to think sometimes that this guy gets a bad rap - but please. He is as bad as he is made out to be.

    By Blogger Spencer, at 8:55 PM  

  • Tom is a young boy's name, not suitable for a pretend heterosexual. Perhaps we should change his name too...

    By Blogger suze, at 11:55 AM  

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